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Trump Ally Lindsey Graham Booed Off Stage At South Carolina MAGA Rally

Election 2024

Trump Ally Lindsey Graham Booed Off Stage At South Carolina MAGA Rally

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham faced a chorus of loud boos as he joined former President Donald Trump at a rally in his home state of South Carolina Saturday, with supporters giving him a thumbs down as he left the stage.

Graham, who was booed when first took stage, had to take a pause as the booing was drowning out what he had to say.

“Welcome to Pickens. … Thanks a bunch,” he said. “Well, you wanna find something in common?”

“Calm down for a second … I was born in this county. I live 15 miles down the road,”” he pleaded to the rowdy crowd amid jeers and calls of “traitor!”

After the hurried 5-minute speech, Graham quickly exited the stage as the crowd of disgruntled Trump supporters booed louder.

When Trump referenced Graham at a later point in the rally he was met with another round of booing. “I’m gonna have to work on these people,” Trump said.

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