Fact Check

Right-Wing Preacher Spreads Lie That Kid Identified As Cat In School, Used Litter Box

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Right-wing pastor Robin R. Bullock, who founded Church International with her husband Robin D. Bullock, recently lied to her congregation by claiming that kids are identifying as cats in school and are even being given litter boxes to use in the school restrooms.

The story, is of course, a complete and total fabrication by a so-called woman of God.

“You are trying to turn our school system into an animal shelter when you let litter boxes be put in the bathrooms of our children because they are so confused because they identify as a cat or a dog,” she falsely claimed.

“We do not know, and this is happening, this is happening in our schools,” she continued. “They put a litter box in a girl’s bathroom because she identified as a cat,” she claimed before encouraging her congregation to rise up against the completely made-up scenario.

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