Election 2024

Trump Ally Lindsey Graham Booed Off Stage At South Carolina MAGA Rally

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Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham faced a chorus of loud boos as he joined former President Donald Trump at a rally in his home state of South Carolina Saturday, with supporters giving him a thumbs down as he left the stage.

Graham, who was booed when first took stage, had to take a pause as the booing was drowning out what he had to say.

“Welcome to Pickens. … Thanks a bunch,” he said. “Well, you wanna find something in common?”

“Calm down for a second … I was born in this county. I live 15 miles down the road,”” he pleaded to the rowdy crowd amid jeers and calls of “traitor!”

After the hurried 5-minute speech, Graham quickly exited the stage as the crowd of disgruntled Trump supporters booed louder.

When Trump referenced Graham at a later point in the rally he was met with another round of booing. “I’m gonna have to work on these people,” Trump said.

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