Drag Queen

Pence Kicks Off 2024 Campaign By Attacking Drag Queens For Assaulting ‘American Values’

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Donald Trump’s former Vice President, Mike Pence, officially launched his 2024 bid for the White House in a self-narrated 2½-minute video that completely ignored his four-plus years in service to the Trump White House, instead taking aim at the LGBTQ+ community and the “radical left.”

“President Joe Biden and the radical left have weakened America at home and abroad,” Pence claims in the video montage. “We can turn this country around. But different times call for different leadership.”

“The American dream is being crushed under runaway inflation. Wages are dropping, recession is looming. Our southern border is under siege,” he continues. “And the enemies of freedom are on the march around the world.”

Screenshot from Mike Pence’s 2024 campaign launch video. [Source: Youtube]

“And worse still, timeless American values are under assault as never before,” he says as the video shows three frames that appear to be clipped from TV news reports. One headline reads, “VA Parents Push Back Against Critical Race Theory,” another reads, “Controversy Over Female Trans Swimmer,” and the last reads, “Drag Queens Storm Faith-Based Story Hour in AR.”

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss responded to the video by noting it will “not be easy for a VP to separate himself from the President he served for four years.” He added that Pence’s “just-released announcement video cites ‘drag queens’ and Biden-Harris but not a single mention or image of You-Know-Who,” referring to Donald Trump.

Journalist Grace Panetta tweeted: “Former VP Mike Pence’s presidential announcement video features faith imagery and headlines about trans athletes and drag queens, but no obvious references to abortion, to which he is staunchly opposed.”

Democratic strategist Sawyer Hackett, senior advisor to former Obama cabinet secretary Julián Castro, noted: “In his announcement, Mike Pence says ‘timeless American values are under assault’ as headlines about drag shows and trans athletes play. But nothing about the armed Trump mob who tried to hang him at the Capitol.”

1 Comment

  1. HMFan

    8 June 2023 at 6:02 PM

    Really Mike? After YOUR boss said it’s okay to grab women by the p**** and you DARE accuse drag queens of assaulting “American Values?” Did you ever let Donald cop a feel on your dear old “Mother” Karen? Y’all better check your lily white ass hypocrisy at the door…

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