Election 2024

Internet Erupts In Laughter After Republican Party Tweets Wrong Flag On 4th Of July

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That sound you just heard between fireworks earlier this morning was most likely the roar of the internet’s collective laughter after the Republican Party’s official Twitter account tweeted a “Happy Independence Day” message with the wrong flag.

“247 years ago, our forefathers told Ol’ King George to get lost! Happy Independence Day from the GOP!” the GOP’s twitter account posted at 10:25 am Eastern time.

But the tweet was quickly deleted after Twitter users pointed out that the flag in the image looks a lot closer to the Liberian flag than the American one (though the Liberian flag starts with a white stripe under the blue box).

After removing the post, the GOP account attempted to ignore their blunder by posting a flood of patriotic tweets throughout the day.

But they couldn’t seem to escape ridicule.

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